Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Water Modelling Software

Yesterday I interviewed Prof Hughes from IWR about the institute's software for modelling supply of water resources. It'll be difficult stuff to explain in an article, because all that the software does is geared very much at specialists, but I think it's interesting and really does have an impact on how our water resources are managed. The national department of water affairs and forestry even uses the software.

At the moment, a second version of the software is being written by some people at UKZN in co-operation with Prof Hughes and David Forsyth at IWR. I've sent an email to the leader of the project at UKZN and to a user of the software in Sri Lanka, so I should have some good info for the story. I'm thinking of sending it either to Grocott's or the Daily Dispatch. So things are looking fairly good on that front.

I'm thinking of making it a longer news story, with the writing of the second version as a news hook, then explaining exactly what the software does and who uses it in paragraphs further down.

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